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afternoon engagement

JOIN US for engaging afternoon sessions!

In the afternoon, if you choose for your child to participate in any of our afternoon engagement opportunities, they will have the chance to partake in many structured play-based activities that will be geared toward their interests. All afternoon engagement sessions are available at an additional cost. Please note, sessions will vary in price depending on the materials and cost set by the outsourced professional companies providing certain services. 


Some of the Specialized Interest Classes/Training Sessions that will be offered twice a week include, but are not limited to:


  • Dance

  • Baseball In-Fielding & Hitting Training 

  • Soccer Skills Development

  • Music (Singing, Piano, and Guitar)

  • Engineering/Coding


If you do not wish for your child to participate in the above sessions being offered at PCA, we will also be providing a traditionally structured aftercare program that will include free play time, learning reinforcement time, reading time, and crafting time. Please refer to the PCA brochure for monthly cost information for this extended hours service. 


Every other month, PCA parents/guardians will be provided with an opportunity to opt in or out of afternoon sessions. A detailed schedule/price list for September and October sessions will be emailed to enrolled families by mid-August so selections may be made. 

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